Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Weekend To Make Me All Warm and Fuzzy

Most of the time, I find myself frustrated by weekends. I tend to stay home most of the week, and on weekends I want to Do Things. Then Sunday rolls around, and the Activity-O-Meter registers around a 2 out of 10.

This past weekend, it went all the way to 9.

On Friday, we went apple picking with my friend J and her two children. It was a perfect early fall day -- pleasantly warm, azure skies, a charming bucolic setting. This farm can get crazy on the weekends, but this late afternoon on a weekday was pretty low key. We started in the pumpkin patch, and moved on to the apples. Sean and Allie loved picking the low-hanging apples, although I had to intervene early on so that we weren't paying for apples that resembled kiwifruit in both size and color. What's that? You'd like some photos? Well, okay.

Now we have a peck of apples that no one wants to eat except me. Sean, as we know, spurns fruit unless it's ensconced in a muffin (which I'll get to in a minute), and Allie has informed that she "no likes them". No problem, thinks I. Since muffins are a surefire way to get the kids to eat vegetables or fruit, I baked a batch of apple muffins. Ha! No one likes the muffins, either.

On Saturday morning, we went to a local book festival. We snagged a lot of children's books (one table was selling them for 10 cents apiece!), grooved to a band (my kids are great stroller dancers), and listened to an author read from one of her children's books. I wish we could have stayed to listen to some other authors (a man Jeff and I went to college with was reading from his new novel), but I am a slave to Allie's naptime. Next year, perhaps.

But wait, there's more! That afternoon, we went to a local historic park located right across the river from the airport. The kids had a great time watching plane after plane descend and land almost right in front of them. On an Activity High, we even went out to dinner afterward.

Sunday, I admit, was more like a typical weekend day for us. We hung out, opened Allie's birthday present (a Sit-n-Spin -- do you know they actually light up and play music now? Ridiculous. I disabled that feature toute de suite), refereed a protracted dispute over who exactly got to play with said present first (Sean not exactly grasping the concept of "birthday girl"), and went to the park.

And now it's time to plan for Allie's party on Saturday. Umm, no, I haven't done anything about it yet. I will, I will. Today, in fact. Really!