Friday, January 07, 2005

This proposed legislation in Virginia is one of the most outrageous, offensive things I have ever heard of. From Democracy for Virginia:

It sounds preposterous to talk about criminalizing women who suffer miscarriages, but one Virginia legislator is proposing just that. HB1677, “Report of Fetal Death by mother, penalty” is a bill introduced by John A. Cosgrove (R) of Chesapeake. Cosgrove’s bill requires any woman who experiences “fetal death” without a doctor’s assistance to report this to the local law-enforcement agency within twelve hours of the miscarriage. Failure to do so is punishable as a Class 1 Misdemeanor.

I don't live in Virginia, but I think it's important for everyone to know about this. This isn't a partisan, pro-choice vs. pro-life issue. As the amazing getupgrrl wrote:

I have to believe that any woman who's ever lost a much-wanted pregnancy - any woman who's refused to accept the news of an impending miscarriage even though her doctor has pointed out the tellingly slow heartbeat, who's mourned that loss with her husband in the privacy and safety of her home, who's withheld the news of subsequent pregnancies from her family for fear of another miscarriage - would find the idea of choking out her most private grief to Sergeant Friday under the threat of legal prosecution to be completely outrageous.